One of my clients “stated” commitment is to her “”good health and wellbeing. Se speaks about of living in healthy balance so that she can successfully work and enjoy vitality vital at the same time. She has a project sh has been working on in order to make her vision a reality. She is currently over coming a setback with a challenging flare-up of a dis-ease. This commitment of putting her health first is new, however and it is not her first nature.
What is more comfortable for her, her first nature, and her default commitment is “being busy”. She puts everyone and everything first, instead of her wellbeing. Because she is a power-house, a natural leader and a visionary, she has many projects, each one more interesting and compelling than the last. Her projects are seductive. They provide her with recognition and acknowledgement. They give her connection and accomplishment. Who doesn’t want all of that? These projects are easy; they are her sweet spot. And they are automatic for her.
The question is, will she be able to let go of what is automatic and easy in order to learn and develop a language of self-care that will endure, possibly grow her business and even save her life? What will it take for her to act in ways that are in alignment with her commitment to herself and her greatest good?
Because we are human and imperfect beings, we will get off track. You can count on it. Commitments need to be reevaluated and renewed as new insights emerge. It takes time to create new habits in place of the old. And the new ones must be intentionally reinforced and celebrated. Every moment of our day we make choices, sometimes consciously and often not. Coaching can help you develop the habit of making conscious choices that are aligned with your deepest commitments to live intentionally. When this is the case all outcomes will serve the greatest good in your life.
How will you stay connected with the deep love that is at the foundation of your commitment?
I remind my clients that commitment requires compassion and understanding. It also can mean having to do the hard thing, the scary and unfamiliar thing. And sometimes it makes all the difference that someone stand up for you when you are to scared, unwilling or stuck. As your coach, I see you, I see your possibility, I hold the space for you to reach your goal and I guide you down your unique path, around your obstacles so that you reach your goal.
The process is a joyful one for me, as I witness you reaching for your deepest truth and potential. Having the support of someone that is completely there to support our dreams, goals and wellbeing is one of the greatest gifts we can give to our selves. It is a gift that can benefit many other people in our personal circles and beyond as well, as we become positive examples of how to shine and serve, or as in my clients case... she is learning to serve herself first.
Commitments are powerful. Write them down and set up an accountability partner, someone who wants to see you succeed. Shout it out to the universe. Ask the universe to assist you. Know that where you are in the process it is perfect, because that is where you are. Trust the Process.
What is more comfortable for her, her first nature, and her default commitment is “being busy”. She puts everyone and everything first, instead of her wellbeing. Because she is a power-house, a natural leader and a visionary, she has many projects, each one more interesting and compelling than the last. Her projects are seductive. They provide her with recognition and acknowledgement. They give her connection and accomplishment. Who doesn’t want all of that? These projects are easy; they are her sweet spot. And they are automatic for her.
The question is, will she be able to let go of what is automatic and easy in order to learn and develop a language of self-care that will endure, possibly grow her business and even save her life? What will it take for her to act in ways that are in alignment with her commitment to herself and her greatest good?
Because we are human and imperfect beings, we will get off track. You can count on it. Commitments need to be reevaluated and renewed as new insights emerge. It takes time to create new habits in place of the old. And the new ones must be intentionally reinforced and celebrated. Every moment of our day we make choices, sometimes consciously and often not. Coaching can help you develop the habit of making conscious choices that are aligned with your deepest commitments to live intentionally. When this is the case all outcomes will serve the greatest good in your life.
How will you stay connected with the deep love that is at the foundation of your commitment?
I remind my clients that commitment requires compassion and understanding. It also can mean having to do the hard thing, the scary and unfamiliar thing. And sometimes it makes all the difference that someone stand up for you when you are to scared, unwilling or stuck. As your coach, I see you, I see your possibility, I hold the space for you to reach your goal and I guide you down your unique path, around your obstacles so that you reach your goal.
The process is a joyful one for me, as I witness you reaching for your deepest truth and potential. Having the support of someone that is completely there to support our dreams, goals and wellbeing is one of the greatest gifts we can give to our selves. It is a gift that can benefit many other people in our personal circles and beyond as well, as we become positive examples of how to shine and serve, or as in my clients case... she is learning to serve herself first.
Commitments are powerful. Write them down and set up an accountability partner, someone who wants to see you succeed. Shout it out to the universe. Ask the universe to assist you. Know that where you are in the process it is perfect, because that is where you are. Trust the Process.